EKKT - Eesti Kunsti Koondis Torontos - Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto

The Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto (EKKT) is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1956 by Estonian artists in Toronto. The Society's artists have many different artistic backgrounds. Some are self-taught, some have attended private art classes and workshops and some have graduated from Colleges and Universities and/or studied in different countries around the world.

Our members are both artists and art enthusiasts. If you are interested in becoming a member, see the flyer below.

Experience the talent of the current artists by viewing the virtual gallery experience below from our 65th Anniversary Exhibition this past fall. Also visit the EKKT page in the virtual marketplace to see the books available from our talented members!



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The Estonian Foundation of Canada is a registered charity that supports Estonian cultural and heritage initiatives across Canada.

Charitable No. 891452575 RR 0001


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