The Glass Station - Urve Voitk-Manuel

Nestled in the heart of Gros Morne National Park in Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland, Urve Manuel’s Gallery and Studio, The Glass Station brings the talent and imaginations of Newfoundlanders to light. Displaying a combination of exceptional quality of locally made Fine Craft and Fine Art, including Urve Manuel’s own Glass Art. 

Being lucky to live on the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean, Urve draws inspiration from the expanse of wilderness that surrounds her. Sunrises and sunsets across ancient mountain ranges formed from the earth’s upheavals, the depths of the saltwater, pristine rivers, clean air, dense woods and gorgeous boglands all provide material for her work, as well as great adventures at every turn. Urve's goal is to present this sense of joy through her glass art to you.

Order art from "the Rock" for your home or as a gift!




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